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Digles promoted as CMO

Digles promoted as CMOGSD&M named Marketing Partner to World MarketNew vice pres...

Richard Laermer: Founder and CEO of RLM Public Relations, Author, and Revolutionary-Part One

Did you know there is a revolution taking place? A revolution that, like it or ...

Marketing Jobs Shift Paradigms with Internet Marketing Gaining Ground

Marketing jobs are changing their required skill sets. Traditionally, direct ma...

Tackle Data Quality Upfront to Increase Marketing ROI

Errors in your database of customers and/or prospective customers are causing yo...

Fine line separates matrimonial magic from wedding day woe

Cakes that slide off the table, skunks threatening the flowers, candles melting ...

Aaron won't catch Bonds; commish should follow

Henry Aaron is adamant. Firm. As usual. He won't be in attendance when or if Bar...

New and recent releases

NEW RELEASES KNOCKED UP - What an odd comedy (and a sure hit) "Knocked Up" is -...

Repeat moviegoers key to film breaking all-time marks

LOS ANGELES - Shiver me timbers. Eileen O'Hara saw the first two ''Pirates of th...

Eastwest Marketing Group offered marketing responsibilities of UNICEF

Eastwest Marketing Group offered marketing responsibilities of UNICEFSheri Wilso...

Using Indirect Attacks to Enter New Territory: The Xerox Experience

Marketing strategies and military strategies employ similar approaches and techn...

Marketing a Nonprofit Brand

Many times, marketing is seen as a dirty word in the nonprofit sector—a ne...

Eyeglasses: picking the perfect pair

Wendy Smith says she can transform a person from geek to chic in a matter of sec...

Tennis veteran has strong opinions, but a soft heart for the game

You must remember this: Tom Brown acted properly when he chose to put the title ...

New and recent releases


'The Medici Conspiracy' co-author discusses art looting in Italy

Italian journalist Cecilia Todeschini became involved in the question of art loo...

Motorola and Napster sign a unique marketing agreement

Motorola and Napster sign a unique marketing agreementMicrosoft buys online firm...

Shel Horowitz: Author, Consultant, and Founder of

"Marketing kind of found me. I came out of college with a very untraditional re...

Marketing Pioneering Products: Walking the Tightrope Between Enhancing Brand Equity and Committing Genericide

The prospect of genericide haunts all strategists trying to market a landmark or...

The Five Marketing Mistakes Every Entrepreneur Makes (and How to Avoid Them)

Every marketer makes mistakes. If you are an entrepreneur with a limited budget...

Many are the varieties in the salt of the earth

The shelves of specialty cooking stores are filled with pepper, pepper mills, sa...

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