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961 archived articles
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A Tete-a-Tete with an Account Executive in Advertising Agency

Q - How did you get started in advertising?...

Position Requirements and Job Responsibility of an Account Executive

With a few exceptions, entry into the advertising field, particularly in account...

How Are New Accounts Assigned To Account Executives?

Normally, if there aren't any distracting political problems, then we'll assume ...

How Much Time Does An Account Executive Spend At Job?

It's not a nine-to-five job. It depends once again on the season but I could spe...

What Is It That Makes an Account Executive’s Job Enjoyable?

I like the professionalism and the attitude of the people I work with. They are ...

What Advice Would You Give Someone Who Wants A Career In Advertising

A Speaking as an individual who started my career path right out of college, I g...

Jobs and Responsibilities of Media Buyer/Analyst

The final responsibility of ensuring that a particular advertisement or a series...

Career Path of a Media Buyer/Analyst

I was approached by the media director when there was an opening in one of the p...

Job Description of a Media Buyer/Analyst

Firstly, there is the buying phase. As a buyer you are responsible for placing t...

Job Description of a Copywriter

In the literary domain of advertising, poetic license belongs to the copywriter....

A Tete-a-Tete with a Copywriter

Q - What was it about copy writing that interested you initially?...

Responsibilities of a Copywriter

Q - What are your responsibilities as a copywriter?...

Are There Any Negative Aspects of the Job of a Copywriter

Q - What are the negative aspects of the job as a copy writer?...

Job Description of Product Manager in Consumer Goods

The role of the product manager in consumer goods is to oversee and coordinate t...

What is a typical career path like in art management?

I started in the paste-up room. A lot of agencies have paste-u rooms where a gro...

Job Description of an Art Director

The art director, either at an agency or in a department of i company, is respon...

How an Art Director Deals with its Agency

Q - With whom in the agency do you have contact?...

Do People in Sales Promotion Jobs Enjoy Themselves?

Q - What is it about sales promotion that you enjoy?...

New Trends Seen in Sales Promotion Jobs

Q - What trends do you see in the field?...

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